Learning. Growing. Living.

Forest Family Psychology

Suggested Reading

For crisis and emergency assistance call your hospital emergency department.


Taming the Black Dog: A guide to overcoming depression: Aisbett, B (2000). Australia: Harper Collins.

Learned Optimism: Seligman, M. (2006) New York: Vintage Books

Beating the Blues: Tanner, S and Ball, J (1998). Sydney: Doubleday Publishing

Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself From Chronic Unhappiness: Williams, J.M.G., Teasdale, J.D., Segal, Z.V. & Kabat-Zinn, J. (2007). New York: Guilford Press.


The Relationship Cure – a 5 step guide to Strengthening your marriage, family and friendships. Gottman, J & DeClaire, J (2001). New York; Three Rivers

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Gottman, J & Silver, N (1999) New York; Three Rivers

After the Affair. Spring, J. (1996) New York: Harper Collins

Anxiety and Stress

Living With It: A survivors guide to panic attacks: Aisbett, B. (1993). Sydney: Harper Collins Publishers

The Book of It: 10 steps to conquering anxiety: Aisbett, B (2001). Sydney: Harper Collins Publishers

The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety: Forsyth, J & Eifert, G (2007) Oakland; New Harbinger

Overcoming Shyness and Social Phobia: Rapee, RM (1998). Northvale: Jason Aronson Inc

Bully Busting: Field, E (1999) Sydney: Finch


Self-Esteem: McKay, M. and Fanning, P. (2000). Oakland: New Harbinger Publications

The Happiness Trap: Harris, R. (2007). Wollombi: Exisle Press.

Family and Parenting

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12; Phelan, T (2010) Illinois: Parentmagic.

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child: Gottman, J (1997) New York: Simon & Schuster

Social Savvy – help your child fit in with others. Peterson, L (2008) Melbourne, ACER

How to talk so your kids will listen, and listen so your kids will talk. Faber, A. & Mazlish, E. (2005).

Helping your Anxious Child: A Step-By-Step Guide for parents. Rapee, R.M., Spence, S. & Wignall, A. (2008). Oakland: New Harbinger.